又是時候開喇叭了!JOOX X GRWTH社區 X EF English Centers合辦的「聽歌學英文」來到第7堂。今堂爲大家帶來的是風靡全球的《反斗奇兵》。這套有笑有淚的電影講述了胡迪、牧羊女、巴斯光年等玩具及與主人安迪之間真摯的友情,這次的曲目《You’ve Got a Friend in Me》正正帶出友情的可貴。讓我們一邊欣賞音樂,一邊學習英文吧!下列附有英文讀本供你參考。
If there’s one thing Disney movies have taught me, is that friendship is really important. The main theme song from Toy Story talks a lot about how friendship is important. No matter how rough life gets, there is always a friend that will always help you get thought it. You might not see each other every week but that is a test of friendship right there, if you can help each other out despite minimal meetups. Friendships are worth keeping and fighting for. Don’t neglect them, especially once you found romance. Both can co-exist together.
[停課不停學] 別忘自己也曾是小孩!(家長教養篇)
[停課不停學] 動手做風力車 齊學風的力量
[停課不停學] 做手工學自然科學 資深藝術導師教您摺「蝙蝠紙飛機」
[停課不停學] 資深籃球教練教你在家做落地位置訓練
[表達藝術治療師日記] 聽話?不如對話!
[停課不停學] 沒有龜殼的皮革龜?(自然科學篇)
[停課不停學] STEM Sir教你除法(附教學示範及工作紙)
[停課不停學] 正向小鐵人力克提提你 抗疫資訊要Fact Check
[停課不停學] 動手做Hologram 認識神奇的反射原理
[停課不停學] 在家也能愉快學習 精選多元學習資源大合輯
[停課不停學] 資深籃球教練教你在家做Pick & Roll訓練
[停課不停學] 資深藝術導師教摺「雀仔紙飛機」
內容提供:JOOX、GRWTH社區、EF English Centers
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