[停課不停學] 聽歌學英文 美女、野獸、阿Jack、獅子王齊出動

JOOX X GRWTH社區 X EF English Centers合辦的「聽歌學英文」又開課喇! 第二及三堂分別有荷李活鬼才電影導演添布頓(Tim Burtons)監製的動畫《怪誕城之夜》(The Nightmare Before Christimas) 的片頭曲——《This is a Halloween》,以及由Angela Lansbury主唱的《美女與野獸》名曲。 至於第四堂就有可愛又堅強的辛巴和我們一起學唱《Can You Feel the Love Tonight》!曲目來自深受大小孩子喜愛的著《獅子王》,由Elton John主唱。這歌曾獲得199年奧斯卡金像獎「最佳原創歌曲獎」及「金球獎最佳原創歌曲」等獎項。 現在就來一邊聽歌,一邊學英文。下列附有英文讀本供你參考。


EF English, GRWTH社區, JOOX, Sing & Learn, 停課不停學, 聽歌學英文, 英語學習, 立即聽歌學英文! 英語讀本 Whenever I think of something spooky and scary, Halloween is the first thing that always comes to mind. Nothing screams like Halloween with this classic from ‘The Nightmare before Christmas.’ You got the spooky instrumental and lyrics that define Halloween. Spiders, snakes, clowns, banshees, skeletons, pumpkins, you name it! It’s also pretty catchy as well, so you’ll have this song stuck in your head, even when it’s not Halloween. Check it out, listen to it a few times, and don’t get scared!


EF English, GRWTH社區, JOOX, Sing & Learn, 停課不停學, 聽歌學英文, 英語學習, 立即聽歌學英文


英語讀本 Who knew this haunting ballad from the movie, ‘Beauty and the Beast’ had some life lessons about love? The theme song from the movie talks about how the 2 characters, Beast and Belle’s relationship. They learn to accept each other’s differences and mistakes, and that they’ve changed each other for the better. For many that are still looking or growing their relationship with their significant other, it’s always a good reminder that relationships aren’t meant to be perfect. The person you are together with is perfect for you, even if there are imperfections and arguments…just like Beast and Belle.


EF English, GRWTH社區, JOOX, Sing & Learn, 停課不停學, 聽歌學英文, 英語學習, 立刻聽歌學英文! 英語讀本 Many songs from the Lion King are considered are classics. With ‘Can You Feel the Love Tonight,’ the version that plays during Simba and Nala’s scene the middle of the movie is calming yet euphoric. The lyrics though, actually talk about Simba and Nala’s thoughts for each other. For Simba, his past haunts him and but Nala doesn’t seem to care. You know, for many of us, we may not like our past but it makes us who we are today, and someone else may not care about our past, but only about changing ourselves for the better now and in the future.




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內容提供:JOOXGRWTH社區EF English Centers

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