[停課不停學] 聽歌學英文 輕鬆看死亡
JOOX X GRWTH社區 X EF English Centers合辦的「聽歌學英文」來到第二回Lesson 2。大家可看過動畫《玩轉極樂園》嗎?影片中有首催淚歌曲《Remember Me》,由Natalia Lafourcade主唱,帶出即使面對死亡也可以輕鬆歡樂的面對,記憶永遠也會留在心裏。讓我們一起邊聽歌邊學英文吧!以下有英文讀本供參考。
![[停課不停學] 聽歌學英文 輕鬆看死亡](https://happypama.mingpao.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/grwth-04082020-2-a.jpg)
This calm, yet sad song comes from the Mexican-inspired movie ‘Coco’. If you take a closer look at the lyrics, it talks about dealing with the loss of a family member, as well as things to remember them by. This is something that we will all have to deal with one day. Its not an easy thing to get through. It can be difficult to stay positive during times when you lose someone you love. Things will change but life can still go on. Just remember them for the happy times.
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內容提供:JOOX、GRWTH社區、EF English Centers
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