


At school, I hide in the back of class.

When my teacher asks me a question, all my classmates turn and look,

They don't see a pine tree sticking out from my lips instead of a tongue.

They don't hear a crow Cow! Cow! from inside my throat.

They don't hide their eyes from the moonlight that shines from my open mouth.

All they hear is how I don't talk like then.

All they see is how strange my face looks and that I can't hide how scared I am.

My mouth isn't working. It's full with words of the morning.




I wake up each morning with the sounds of words all around me.

P for the pine tree outside my bedroom window.

C for the crow in its branches.

M for the moon fading in the morning sky.

I wake up each morning with the sounds of words all around me.

And I can't say them all.

The P in the pine tree grows roots inside my mouth and tangles my tongue.

The C is a crow that sticks in the back of my throat.

The M in moon dusts my lips with a magic that makes me only mumble.

I wake up in the morning with these word-sounds stuck in my mouth.(以上是英文版的節錄)

這個終日受口吃困擾的小男孩,有一天,爸爸帶他到喜歡的河邊散步遊玩,隨着爸爸的一句安慰說話:「你有看見水怎樣流的嗎?你說話就像那樣。」(See how that water moves? That's how you speak.)這句話令他重新觀看河流,突然間,他所熟悉的河流不再一樣,被賦予了新的意義,是一道讓他感到自豪的河流——bubbling汩汩聲、whirling旋轉、churning攪渾、crashing衝擊。他的感受正正在河的流動中被重新定義,他的恐懼正正在河的流動裏被充權。




[Happy PaMa 教得樂 第336期]