[停課不停學] 聽歌學英文 人魚公主Ariel駕到
Good afternoon! JOOX X GRWTH社區 X EF English Centers合辦的「聽歌學英文」又上堂啦!
今堂有美麗溫柔的美人魚和我們一起享受好聽的英文歌《Under The Sea》。這曲來自迪士尼經典動畫《小美人魚》,由Samuel E. Wright主唱。這首歌曾獲得1990年的「奧斯卡金像獎最佳原創歌曲獎」獎項。不認識不要緊,讓我們一起邊聽歌邊學習英文吧!以下有英文讀本供你參考。

Reggae style songs aren’t usually my cup of tea, but when they’re really catchy like Under the Sea, then they’ll be stuck in your head for life. The lyrics are rather humorous as it talks about Sebastian trying to convince Ariel to not leave her home under the sea. There are tons of references to different kinds of animals in the ocean such as trout, sardine, and carp. The song overall isn’t serious, but rather carefree, so listen to it a few times. It’s easy to sing-along to and you’ll be humming it at random times in your life!
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