
圖片來源:網上圖片   瀏覽更多《停課不停學》文章,請按此。 請觀看明報YouTube頻道,發掘更多《停課不停學》相關影片。   出外用膳是香港人最常有的社交活動。到西餐廳或特色餐廳,要用英語點菜或提出不同的要求,有哪些最實用的用餐英語你要懂呢? 只要掌握以下幾句簡單又實用的句子,你便可以輕鬆應付了。 We’ve booked a table for 4 people. (我們預訂了一張4人桌。) We haven’t booked a table. Can you fit us in? (我們還沒有預訂桌子,有桌子容得下我們嗎?) Could we have the menu / beverage menu, please? (請給我們菜單/飲料菜單嗎?) Is this dish suitable for vegetarians? (這道菜適合素食者嗎?) We’re ready to order now. (我們現在準備點餐。) Could I have a Caesar Salad? (我可以吃凱撒沙拉嗎?) I would like a glass of water, please. (請給我一杯水。) Could you bring me another beer, please? (你能給我再來杯啤酒嗎?) Excuse me,I didn’t order this. (不好意思-我沒點這個。) Let’s dig in. / Let’s start eating. (可以開始吃了) Could I have another fork, please? (請給我另一個叉子。) Could we have the bill, please? (我們可以結帳嗎?) Can I pay by credit card? (我可以用信用卡付款嗎?) Could you check the bill for me, please? It doesn’t seem right. (你能幫我查一下帳單嗎? 似乎不正確。) 在西餐廳,牛扒是常點的菜式,那麼牛扒生熟程度的英文該怎表達呢? 生 Raw/Blue Rare 一成熟 Rare 三成熟 Medium Rare 五成熟 Medium 七成熟 Medium Well 全熟 Well Done 內容提供︰EF English Centers 刊載於︰GRWTH app
