[停課不停學] 2盒thx,點樣用英文打埋個「盒」字先至快而準?!
一包米、兩盒口罩、三卷廁紙……日常生活中,使用量詞的例子比比皆是,恰當的量詞可以協助表達物件的形態,並且加強語言描述的準確性。不論中或英文,量詞在語言應用中發揮着重要的和不可替代的作用。簡單如錯用 “2 Boxes” 與 “2 Pieces”,所觸及的數目便可能相差很遠了,我們就在此介紹一些生活中常用的英文量詞吧!
2 boxes of surgical masks 2盒外科口罩
10 pieces of masks 10片口罩
10 rolls of toilet paper 10卷廁紙
4 packs of toilet paper 4條廁紙
1000 sheets of toilet paper 1000張廁紙
12 packets of handkerchiefs 12包手帕紙巾
2 sacks of rice 2袋米
3 bags of sugar 3袋糖
A tube of toothpaste 一支牙膏
A bar of soap 一塊肥皂
A tub of popcorn 一桶爆谷
A carton of eggs 一盒雞蛋
A carton of milk 一盒牛奶
A spoonful of medicine 一勺藥
A dozen apples 一打蘋果
A bunch of grapes 一串葡萄
A small bunch of bananas 一小束香蕉
A six-pack coca cola 六包可口可樂
A can of coke 一罐可樂
A cup of tea / coffee 一杯茶 / 咖啡
A glass of lemonade 一杯檸檬水
A pinch of salt 少許鹽
A bowl of cereal 一碗麥片
A cube of butter 一磚牛油
A packet of potato chips 一包薯片
A bar of chocolate 一排朱古力
A loaf of bread 一條麵包
A sprig of parsley 一小撮莞茜
A bunch of flowers 一束花
A piece of pizza 一塊比薩
A bucket of water 一桶水
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